How to Create Your First Landing Page
Attracting customers is one of the biggest challenges when creating a startup. How can users find my business? How can I reach the right audience? How do I bring the right users to my website? Where can I reach the audience? If you have these questions in mind, you’re definitely on the right page.
In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about how to create your first landing page as well as tips and tricks to get your first potential customers. So, find a comfortable position and get ready to master this topic.
What is a landing page?
If you’re already in the startup business, you’ve definitely heard about landing pages before. But, if this is a completely new topic for you, no need to worry because we’ll go step by step through the process of creating a successful landing page.
According to Hubspot, a landing page is “a page on your website where you can offer a resource from your business in exchange for a visitor’s contact information.”
It’s simpler than you think, and you’ve probably used one at some point. A landing page is where your company will capture contact information. In order to get users’ information, you need to offer something valuable in exchange, such as an ebook, infographic, template, or demo call.

Landing pages help you know your audience and potential customers better by getting their details. However, this is not an easy task. There are a few vital steps you can’t miss when creating your first landing page.
Be Simple and Straightforward
The purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors (users) into leads (contacts), right? To achieve this goal, you need to tell a good story, but it can’t be a long one.
A good landing page is simple and straightforward; it’s all about explaining what the visitor will get by giving their contact information. All benefits and values must be included there.
It’s important that visitors understand the right information in a short period of time. A good tip is to use the five-second test. This tool helps you measure what information users take away and what impression they get within the first five seconds of viewing a design.
You’re probably familiar with Spotify, but did you realize that the Swedish company has several landing pages? In the one above, they’re targeting new users that don’t know much about the streaming service. The information is easy to read with appealing copywriting, powerful images, and direct instructions.
So, when creating your first landing page, try to answer the following questions:
- What am I offering?
- Who is the persona I’m creating this page for?
- Why customers should click on the call-to-action?
- How can users benefit from this?
- Who is the product/service for?
- Where is the product/service available?
Focus on a killer headline to start and work the copywriting out when answering those questions. This is the first step to get terrific results.
Design for Conversion
The landing page design is key to convert visitors, and you don’t have to be a graphic designer to make it happen. There are plenty of free tools online to create powerful landing pages like Wix or Squarespace. In order to create a successful page, there are some elements that must be well planned to achieve your goals.
According to Copyblogger, 80% of people only read the heading of landing pages. This is where you need to grab the user’s attention. So, make sure to create a clear and exciting message right on the top of the page.

They say an image is worth a thousand words; on landing pages, they are worth even more. Use images, videos, and gifs to explain in detail what the landing page is offering. If it’s a product like an app, you can have a quick animation of your digital prototype. If you’re offering an eBook, reveal the first chapter to engage users and turn them into leads.
Once again, don’t forget to be straightforward. Keep videos short, don’t use generic images, and add your visual identity to strengthen the power of your brand.
The message you write is as important as the images. However, how this message is presented is also a game-changing aspect of your landing page. Here are some tips:
- Use bullet points to present benefits, characteristics, and/or features;
- Write short sentences that are easy to read;
- Use bold text to highlight relevant words;
- Emphasize benefits instead of the product itself: about benefits, not features: “Create cool videos in less than 5 minutes” instead of “Discover our Easy Editor”.
- In addition to bullet points, you should always add arrows and graphics that help to guide users to the conversion stage.
Social Proof
Facts and opinions are important and they help you sell faster. For example, add the numbers of how many clients you already have or how many people have downloaded the app. Don’t forget to add reviews of previous clients and the logo of companies/institutions that are supporting your startup idea.

Landing Page Form
Before clicking on the call-to-action, the user has to fill in the form. Our biggest tip is not to ask too much. The more information you ask in a form, lower the conversion rate of your landing page. Name, email, and a third piece of information like job position, city, or age, is enough to start a relationship with your lead.
After reading the valuable information you provided, you need to guide your user to conversion. The call-to-action needs to shine on the landing page. Use strong colors, but don’t ruin your visual identity.
A nice tip for your call-to-action is to give power to the user. So, instead of saying, “Download App Now”, consider writing “I Want to Download the App”. You can also use your top feature to generate conversion, for example, “I Want to Create Cool Videos” instead of “Download Video Editor”.
Don’t forget to choose a responsive template for your landing page. After all, you need to make sure that the design is user-friendly, especially on mobile devices.
Thank You Page
Congratulations! You’ve made to the end and converted your user into a lead. It’s important to take your lead to a different page after filling out the form. The thank you page is where your brand new lead will land after converting.
Apart from the thank you message, we recommend you to add a link (e.g. redirect to blog) to encourage leads to have a new interaction on your website.
Once you have your landing page, it’s time to share it to get your leads. Use your social media channels and Email Marketing to promote it. This is the best way to get some traction to your Landing Page.
We know there is a lot of information in this article, so save it to your favorites and use it as a step-by-step guide when creating your first landing page!
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