Our app uses face & speech recognition technology to record users’ facial expressions and voice intonations to provide them with practical tips and feedback to improve. Such practice allows users to be more confident of their skills.
- About us (2)
- AIA (22)
- Alumni (29)
- APIA (1)
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- EIA Hong Kong (9)
- EIA Italy (8)
- EIA Portugal (27)
- EIA Singapore (3)
- For Businesses (7)
- GEES (4)
- Innovation Academy (77)
- Inspiration (22)
- Mentoring (24)
- People of EIA (15)
- Pro Tips (9)
- Quiz (4)
- Scholarship (1)
- Start For Good Bootcamp (2)
- Startup Education (34)
- Study abroad (12)
- Success-story (27)
- Tips & tricks (10)
- Uncategorized (1)
- University Spotlight (14)
- We are hiring (2)